Another November Surprise?–

The four military papers — the Army Times, Air Force Times, Navy Times and Marine Corps Times — will on Monday call for the resignation of Donald Rumsfeld (tip to Instapundit). These papers are owned by a subsidiary of Gannett, so that represents little more than the opinion of their editorial staff or the publisher.

We will have to see whether any news coverage of the endorsements will make clear that the newspapers are privately published. Ordinarily, the endorsements of newspapers other than in local races get very little attention from other news outlets, and I can’t remember ever hearing about whom the four military papers endorsed in the past. This is the sort of things that blogs, the cable news stations, and the biggest national newspapers might cover in passing, but if it makes the national or local nightly news programs (with their shortage of time to cover hard news), that would be unusual for private newspaper endorsements.

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