Second Amendment Election live-blog:

Net pro-rights tally so far, based on decided races. Senate: (-1.25) Missouri, Vermont.
House (-14). Losses: AZ 5. CA 11. CO 7. CT 2. FL 16 (1/2). IA 1. KS 2. KY 3. NH 1, 2. PA 7, 8, 10. NY 20, 24 (1/2). WI 8. Gain: IL 6 (1/2). VT (1/2).
Governor: (-1.5). Gains: Ohio. Losses: Colorado, Maryland, New York (1/2 point).

Alaska: Pro-gun Palin wins.

Arizona: Behaviorally pro-gun (except for one veto) Democratic Governor Napolitano re-elected. Pro-gun Sen. Kyl re-elected. CD 1, pro-gun inc. Renzi wins again. CD 5, pro-gun J.D. Hayworth defeated. CD 8, anti-gun Gabrielle Giffords wins open seat, in part because the national Republican party trashed the Republican candidate for disagreeing with Bush’s semi-amnesty immigration plan.

California: Usually pro-gun Gov. Schwarznegger re-elected. CD 4, pro-gun inc. Doolittle wins. CD 11, pro-gun inc. Pombo trails by 6% with 79% in.

Colorado: As expected, very anti-gun Bill Ritter is far ahead for the open governor seat. CD 4, Marilyn Musgrave, founder of the U.S. House Second Amendment caucus, leads by 3% with 87% counted. CD 5, pro-gun leader Doug Lamborn has been declared the winner in an open seat. CD 7, anti-gun (with occassional pro-gun votes) Ed Perlmutter wins open seat.

Connecticut: Anti-gun (but, more importantly, anti-jihad) Joe Lieberman re-elected. Nancy Johnson (D+ rated) defeated by Chris Murphy. CD-2, pro-gun inc. Rob Simmons trails by 200 votes, with 97% counted.

Georgia: Pro-gun Governor Perdue re-elected.

Florida: Pro-gun Crist wins tough race for open Governor seat. Pro-gun, but generally authoritarian, Bill McCollum beats a D-rated candidate for Attorney General. CD 13, pro-gun inc. Buchanan turns back tough challenger. CD 22, Shaw (C+) loses to challenger Klein (F).

Idaho: Pro-gun Butch Otter leads for Governor, by 13%, with 76% in.

Illinois: Terrible governor Blagojevich re-elected. CD 6, pro-gun Roskam wins open seat, replaces Henry Hyde (with a mediocre records on guns); net +.5 open, close. CD 8, anti-gun inc. Bean wins re-election.

Indiana: CD-2, pro-gun inc. Chocola loses to pro-gun D Donnelly. CD 7: anti-gun incumbent Julia Carson survives last-minute scare. CD 9: pro-gun incumbent Sodrel loses to pro-gun former incumbent Hill.

Iowa: Pro-gun Dem. Chet Culver wins governorship. CD 1, Anti-gun Braley wins open seat. CD 2, inc. Jim Leach (C-) is 600 votes behind David Loebsack (?) with 99% in.

Kansas: CD 2, pro-gun inc. Ryun defeated.

Kentucky 3d CD: Northrup pro-gun loss.
Louisville’s anti-gun “Mayor for Life” Jerry Abramson is cruising to an easy re-election.

Maryland: Cardin wins. No net loss, since he replaces Sarbanes. Do-nothing but nominally pro-gun Gov. Ehrlich defeated by anti-gun O’Malley.

Michigan: Pro-gun (by behavior, if not by inclination) Governor Granholm is headed to re-election, as is anti-gun Senator Stabenow. The Michigan Civil Rights Initiative has passed!!

Minnesota: Anti-gun Klouchbar wins open seat. Pro-gun inc. Gov. Pawlenty wins. CD 1, pro-gun inc. Gutknecht is defeated by pro-gun challenger Walz. CD 2, pro-gun inc. Kline smashes his challenger Colleen Rowley. CD 6, Bachmann (A) defeats Wetterling (F).

Missouri: Anti-gun McCaskill leads by 1%, with 84% in.

Montana: Pro-gun challenger Tester leads by 5% over pro-gun incumbent Burns, with 59% in.
Nevada: Inc. pro-gun Sen. John Ensign defeats the son of Pres. Carter. Pro-gun Gov. Gibbons wins.

New Hampshire: Anti-self-defense Governor Lynch re-elected. Not a surprise. CD 1: Shea (A incumb., R) loses to bad challenger Bradley. CD 2: Bass (A NRA, B- Gun Owners of Amer.)loses to challenger Hodes (not rated by NRA; C by GOA).

New Jersey: Incumbent anti-gun extremist Menendez defeats anti-gun extremist challenger, as the state embraces the culture of corruption.

New Mexico: Pro-gun Democrat Governor Richardson re-elected. CD 1, pro-gun Wilson leads by 1,200 with 99% in.

New York: Very anti-gun Elliot Spitzer replaces moderately anti-gun Governor Pataki. CD 20, pro-gun inc. Sweeney defeated by Gillibrand. CD 24, anti-gun Acuri (F)wins open seat formerly held by Sherwood Boehlert (D+), so only a minor net loss.

North Carolina: Not a gun race, but worth noting–unethical Duke “rape” prosecutor Mike Nifong re-elected.

Ohio: Strickland wins the governorship. Like his opponent, he was pro-rights. He will be a major improvement over outgoing Governor Taft. Brown wins Senate; very slight improvement over the terrible DeWine. Pro-gun Dem. AG challenger Mark Dann ahead of anti-gun incumb. Betty Montgomery. CD 1, pro-gun Chabot wins. CD 2, pro-gun inc. Schmidt wins. CD 6: pro-gun Dem. Charlie Wilson wins open seat. CD 12: Tiberi (A) wins comfortably. CD 15: Pro-gun inc. Deborah Pryce wins re-election. CD 18: pro-gun Dem. Zach Space (great name) wins open seat created by disgraced Bob Ney. I suggest that reason that endangered Republican incumbents in Ohio are doing well, while their brethren in Indiana were defeated, is the Indiana Democratic challengers were pro-gun, and Ohio challengers were not.

Oklahoma: Pro-gun Democratic Governor Henry defeats pro-gun R challenger.

Oregon: Anti-gun inc. Gov. Kluganowski re-elected.

Pennsylvania: Pro-gun leader Santorum defeated by pro-gun lightweight Casey. CD-4 pro-gun leader Melissa Hart ousted by A-rated Altmire. CD-6, Gerlach (A) leads by 2,000 with 94% counted against by Murphy (F). CD-7, scandal plagued Weldon (A) loses to Sestak (F). CD 8, pro-gun Fitzpatrick narrowly defeated. CD 10, scandal-plagued Sherwood (A) throws away this heavily Republican district to Carney (F).CD 18, inc. Murphy (A-) turns back challenge from Kluko (B).

Rhode Island: Chafee loses. One anti-rights aristocrat replaced by another. Pro-gun inc. Gov. Carcieri wins by 2%.

Tennessee: Pro-gun Corker has been declared the Senate winner.

Vermont: A-rated Democrat Peter Welch wins Sanders’ open seat. C- rated Sanders replaces retiring B-rated Jeffords in Senate, 1/4-step loss.

Virginia: Pro-gun inc. Sen. George Allen defeated by pro-gun (and very anti-p.c.) Jim Webb.

Washington: CD 5, pro-gun inc. CD 5, McMorris wins. CD 8, pro-gun inc. Reichert leads by 2%, with 49% in.

Wisconsin: Anti-gun inc. Gov. Doyle wins re-election. This may delay concealed carry in Wisconsin for 4 more years. Close race in open seat for CD 8; anti-gun (refused to answer questionaires) Kagan wins open seat.

Wyoming: Pro-gun Democrat Governor Freudenthal re-elected. NRA Board Member and incumb. With 457 of of 486 precincts in, Barbara Cubin leads her B-rated challenger by 400 votes.

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