We Get Queries:

Here’s a snapshot of the queries that brought people to some part of this blog (likely some of the archive pages) last night:

  1. “Women are stuck up.” Depends on the woman, I suppose, but I’m pretty sure you’ll find nothing about it here.
  2. “Does generation y need to be motivated differently.” Good question, no answer here.
  3. “Discrimination atheists,” Aha! Google works.
  4. “Stimson transcript firms.” Score one more for Google.
  5. “www.conspiracy.com.” Nope.
  6. “Ten years old sex.” Probably not, even in the sense of the law of sex with ten-year-olds (our discussion of statutory rape laws generally come in considerably above that), though maybe at some point we’d blogged something about Model Penal Code § 213.4(4).
  7. “Composition of emminent domain.” Have no idea.
  8. “Would sex drawing.” Would sex drawing what?
  9. “Supercede sentence.” ?
  10. “Holocost conspiracy.” Nope, not here.
  11. “Underage sex.” Depends on the nature of your interest.
  12. “Attractive women online dating.” Sorry, wrong site.
  13. “Why does God allow witchcraft?” I’m completely out of my league on this one, but I’ll happily pose this to commenters who would like to take a whack at it.
  14. “‘Lawyer with kids.'” That describes some of us, but I’m not sure this is going to be very helpful.
  15. “911 conspiracy update.” No.
  16. “Debate about justice and women.” Not at that high a level of abstraction, I think.

Oh, well, I guess a few people got what they wanted. Hope you stuck around!

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