Laotian Pronunciation:

In a few weeks, I’ll be teaching the Sophophone case in my criminal law class, and I’d like to know how the defendant’s name (Sanexay Sophophone) is pronounced.

Some have speculated that it’s Greek, but I rather doubt it, despite the existence of the Greek elements “soph-” and “-phone.” Sanexay isn’t a Greek name, and this isn’t a very Greek-looking face. (Yes, it’s hard to conclusively tell ethnicity from a face, but it does seem probative, at least in this instance.) My sense is that the name comes from Laos, but I’m not positive.

Can anyone tell me how such a name would be pronounced by those who speak the language from which the name derives? I realize that the normal English pronunciation need not track the original, but I’m still curious about it. Thanks!

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