SF Bar Seeks Stimson Inquiry:

The San Francisco Chronicle reports that the Bar Association of San Francisco will file a request with the State Bar of California that it invetigate whether Cully Stimson violated the rules of professional responsibility with his remarks about private law firms that represent Guantnamo detainees. According to the story, Stimson is licensed in California. While I have been quite critical of Stimson, I am skeptical that this investigation will produce any formal sanction against Stimson. (LvHB)

UPDATE: I think it is worth quoting Northwestern law professor Steven Lubet from the comments below:

The bar investigation of Stimson is a manifestly bad idea. While it is not frivolous to suggest that his conduct was “prejudicial to the administration of justice,” a disciplinary proceeding will still do more harm than good. If anything, Stimson’s remarks prompted the Attorney General to defend publicly the principle of universal representation, which is a good thing.

This sounds about right to me.

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