An Interesting Sign of the Times:

I don’t usually look at the N.Y. Times’s wedding announcements (really), but I happened upon one today, involving an older couple reunited decades after a teenage romance. Very nice. But if I follow the story correctly, the groom hooked up with the bride well before he was separated from his wife of about thirty years, and apparently well before he made it clear to her that he was pursuing other relationships. The Times’s story contains this choice line: “He suggested to Dr. Drager that they meet in Las Vegas the next year and go on a group river-rafting trip through the Grand Canyon. He told his wife about the trip but not about his companion.” I understand these things happen, I haven’t walked a mile in their shoes, I’m not being judgmental, I certainly wouldn’t want my private life to be judged by others, and so forth. But what interests me is how social mores have changed. When did such things become not only not at least somewhat embarrassing, but something a prominent doctor (the bride) would willingly (eagerly?) share with friends, family, and millions of strangers? And isn’t this the sort of things that newspapers would have refused to publish in their wedding pages not too long ago?

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