“Noble Virtue, Boundlessly Modest and Popular, Sharing Joys”:

Jules Crittenden has the latest excerpts from the North Korea News Agency site. Here are the first two paragraphs he excerpts:

Pyongyang, April 13 (KCNA) — Documentary film “Finding Himself among the People All His Life” was screened at the People’s Palace of Culture on the occasion of the 95th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung.
… The film deals in an extensive and deep-going manner with the immortal exploits the President … It also tells legendary stories about the noble virtue and boundlessly modest and popular personality of the President who took deep care of the living of the people, once oppressed and humiliated, with warm love for them and shared joys and sorrows with them to bring happiness to them.

Pyongyang, April 13 (KCNA) — Rodong Sinmun Friday dedicates an article to the 33rd anniversary of the famous work of Kim Jong Il “Let Us More Firmly Establish Monolithic Ideological System in Whole Party and Society.” …

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