Conference on the Works of Judge Robert Bork:

For those interested, the Federalist Society will be sponsoring “A Conference Discussing the Contributions of Judge Robert H. Bork” next Tuesday, June 26, in Washington, DC. I will be on the 2:30 Panel with Princeton Professor Robert George and Northwestern law professor Steven Calabresi, discussing Bork’s book Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and America’s Decline. Slouching is my least favorite among Judge Bork’s books (which may be why I got asked to be on this particular panel:)). I intend to criticize his call for extensive government regulation of culture and expression, and instead urge conservatives to apply the same skepticism to government control of culture as they do toward “economic” regulation. Professor George will, I expect, defend Bork’s position, while Steve Calabresi will take an intermediate view.

A good time will be had by all! If you are a VC reader attending the conference, stop by and say hello.

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