Sexually Abusing A Child in the Name of Prosecuting Child Abuse:

I’ve mentioned that I’ve been reading up on the ritual sex abuse case of the 1980s. The victims included not only the wrongfully convicted, but the children who were fed false memories of abuse that never happened (and still to this day believe fantastic tales of ritual abuse), and others. The story that most affected me was of an eight year old girl subjected to a particular “expert” physician’s physical “test” for sexual abuse. The physician told the girl she had been molested. She denied it. He then told the girl that to test her truthfulness, he was going to rub her anus with swabs, insert glass test tubes into her rectum, and take photographs of her genitals. Frightened and embarassed, she cried and begged not to be examined, but he insisted. He then once again insisted she had been abused. Years later, she remembered this as “the worst thing that ever happened to me.” (Nathan & Snedeker, Satan’s Silence 188)

The girl almost certainly wasn’t sexually abused by the defendant, but she was by the physician retained by the prosecutor.

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