Sunday Song Lyric:

A few weeks back I tried to find a good immigration-related song lyric, and proposed “Illegal Alien” by Genesis. Since then, I’ve picked up The White Stripes new album, Icky Thump. Immigration is still in the news, and the album’s title track is a great song with topically appropriate lyrics, including the following:

White Americans, what?
Nothing better to do?
Why don’t you kick yourself out
You’re an immigrant too.

Who’s using who?
What should we do?
Well, you can’t be a pimp
And a prostitute too

Icky thump
Handcuffed to a bunk
Robbed blind
Looked around
And there was nobody else

Left alone
I hit myself with a stone
Went home and learned how
To clean up after myself.

The video is available on the band’s website, and YouTube has several live performances of the song, including this one from Conan O’Brien. The duo is touring for the next several months, and I highly recommend catching a show.

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