I’m offering personalized podcasts for people who pre-order my new book Discover Your Inner Economist: Use Incentives to Fall in Love, Survive Your Next Meeting, and Motivate Your Dentist, due out August 2. Here is the Amazon link. Here is the Barnes&Noble link.
The podcast is personalized because it is sent directly to you and because you get to choose the question I address. I will find this fun and a great challenge.
Podcasts are usually thought of as a mass medium but I would like to see if the idea of personalized podcasts can take off. If you pre-order the book between now and 8 p.m. Thursday (EST), let me know at [email protected], of course send along your question, and I’ll prepare the podcast and email it to you. You really can pick any question you want. Here are the full details of the offer.
Here’s a recent article — from New York magazine — about me and the new book.