Scripts for When Padilla Jury Hands Down Its Verdict:

The Jose Padilla case is complicated, and those who need a script for commentary when the verdict is handed down in an hour or so should follow these simple guidelines:

  Script for Supporters of the Bush Administration: If the jury convicts, this proves how strong the government’s case has been all along. If the jury acquits, this proves that you can’t try to bring terrorism cases in a criminal court system.

  Script for Opponents of the Bush Administration: If the jury convicts, this shows how the criminal justice system can indeed handle terrorism cases. If the jury acquits, this shows just how weak the case against Padilla has been all along.

  Of course, that’s not to say that these arguments are either equally strong or mutually inconsistent; the verdict alone won’t shed light on these questions one way or the other. But those are the scripts that will be followed.

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