More on the Casebook Shooting:

From the Wall Street Journal law blog post on this matter, which Hanah linked to yesterday:

An Indiana Law 3L was arrested last week, accused of firing a rifle from his Bloomington apartment balcony….

What jumped out at the Law Blog were reports that he was apparently aiming his rifle at his Real Estate Transfer Finance and Development casebook ….

The Law Blog reached out for the authors of Real Estate Transfer Finance and Development, law professors Grant Nelson … and Dale Whitman …

“Are you serious?” said Whitman …. “Wow, he must not have liked that class very much.” … “I’ve had people that say my scholarship is shot through with holes, but I’ve never had anyone prove it literally.”

“That is so bizarre,” [Nelson] said. “But at least he went after our casebook instead of going after people. Thank god for small blessings.” He then joked: “But it might not be so bad from West’s perspective, because that’s one used casebook now off the market.”

Grant Nelson is my colleague (he’s now at Pepperdine, but he’s still emeritus here at UCLA), friend, former teacher (property and remedies, not real estate finance), and former office neighbor. Thanks to our colleague Eric Zolt for pointing out the Grant connection.

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