Officer Tasers Man During Traffic Stop — Reasonable Use of Force or Not?:

This is two weeks old, but it’s still really interesting. Below you’ll find a video of a Utah police officer who pulls over a man for speeding. When the driver refuses to sign the ticket, the officer orders him out of the car. The officer orders the man to put his hands behind his back, and pulls out a taser. The man refuses, says, “What the heck is wrong with you?”, and then starts to back and turn away as he puts his hands in his pockets. At that point, the officer (who appears to be alone) tasers the man (at about the 2:35 mark).

  If you’re interested, watch the first three minutes of the video and then vote in the poll immediately below. Here’s the video:

Was the Officer’s decision to use the Taser a reasonable use of force?
Yes, it was a reasonable use of force.
No, it was an unreasonable use of force.
I’m not sure.
Free polls from

More media coverage of the case here. Link via unfogged.

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