Today is “Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day.”–

It’s “Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day” on Saturday, Dec. 8. Here are some suggestions to celebrate the traditional holiday:

Remember, dystopian future travelers are very startled that they’ve gone back in time. Some starters:

– If you go the “prisoner who’s escaped the future” try shaving your head and putting a barcode on the back of your neck. Then stagger around and stare at the sky, as if you’ve never seen it before.

– Walk up to random people and say “WHAT YEAR IS THIS?” and when they tell you, get quiet and then say “Then there’s still time!” and run off.

– Stand in front of a statue (any statue, really), fall to your knees, and yell “NOOOOOOOOO”

– Stare at newspaper headlines and look astonished.

– Take some trinket with you (it can be anything really), hand it to some stranger, along with a phone number and say “In thirty years dial this number. You’ll know what to do after that.” Then slip away.

My favorite time traveler story in the last year was the 2-part South Park episode in which Cartman can’t wait for the Wii game player to come out.

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