Another Interesting Obama Quote:

Hyde Park Citizen, Dec. 28, 1995:

Obama made mention that since America has fallen off as a dominant economic power in the world, race relations have worsened in America.

“In an environment of scarcity, where the cost of living is rising, folks begin to get angry and bitter and look for scapegoats. Historically, instead of looking at the top 5% of this country that controls all the wealth, we turn towards each other, and the Republicans have added to the fire.”

The first sentence is paraphrased, but it nevertheless makes me wonder if Obama really thought that as of 1995, America had “fallen off as a dominant economic power in the world,” and that race relations were worse in 1995 than in the past. The second sentence, meanwhile, suggests not that Americans struggling economically shouldn’t be looking for scapegoats, but that they should be looking for the right scapegoat–“the top 5% of this country that controls all the wealth.”

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