Correction from Dan Klein:

Dan Klein has asked me to post the following correction and apology with respect to the comment that I posted on his behalf the other day on the recent article in the Chronicle of Higher Education:

Dear Volokh Readers:

Todd Zywicki recently posted an item by me, at my request. In the item I accused Robin Wilson, a journalist for the Chronicle of Higher Education, of deliberately omitting pertinent research results from an article she wrote in the Chronicle about conservatives in academia. I said that in a telephone conversation with Robin Wilson I had explained to her my research results about Republican scholars disproportionately landing outside academia. After my remarks were posted, Ms. Wilson emailed me and recounted her notes from the telephone conversation. She showed no record of such material having been discussed in our conversation, which was more than four weeks ago. I do not doubt that Ms. Wilson has recounted her notes honestly. I believe I am entirely in the wrong, that I confused telephone conversations I had had. I’ve talked and emailed to several people about my results in relation to paper Ms. Wilson highlighted in her article, and I thought I had always made those points, but I guess not. I apologize to Ms. Wilson. My error probably caused her grief entirely undeserved. I apologize also to the Chronicle for the false accusation, and to Todd; he bears no responsibility for the error. And I apologize to readers of this site, for my not taking proper care when making an accusation and hence spreading false information.

Daniel Klein

Dan has also asked me to delete his comment in the earlier post so that the record is clear going forward, which I have agreed to do.

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