VC March Madness Pool:

As I noted the other day, the good folks at Armchair GM have invited us to have a VC March Madness Pool over there. To register, you can click

Our group in the Volokh Conspiracy (or Readers of the Volokh Conspiracy) and our password is “Volokh.”

There is no entry fee. My colleague Ross Davies, Editor of the Green Bag, has generously agreed to donate both a Scalia and a Kennedy bobblehead. The winner gets first choice and the runner-up the other. In addition, to the winner I will award a Volokh Conspiracy T-shirt.

Armchair GM has set up the scoring system as a simple one: 1 point for each correct first round pick, 2 for second, 4 for third, 8 for fourth, 16 for fifth, and 32 for picking the national champion. No points for picking upsets or any other bells and whistles.

Armchair GM says that they will be shutting down entries sometime Wednesday evening Thursday morning around 10:00 a.m.

I am told this is their first time hosting this sort of thing, so I hope it will go off without a hitch, but I hereby disclaim the risk that something will malfunction.

Good luck!


Brackets will lock about 10:00 a.m. on Thursday.


I ask all Conspirators to please enter only one bracket. Note that you will have to register with Armchair GM with a username then enter “Volokh” as the password–and be sure to capitalize it.

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