Sunday Song Lyric:

Today is commencement at Case Western Reserve University and many other schools. Accordingly, I suppose I could post some saccharine graduation song. Instead I thought I’d post a classic song with at least some tangential connection to education: “Teach Me Tonight” by Gene De Paul and Sammy Cahn. I believe the first recording of the song was by Brenda Lee, but its been covered by tons of folks (including Frank Sinatra, who had his own added lyrics), and it’s a great song. Here’s how the lyrics begin:

Teach me tonight
Did you see that I’ve got a lot to learn?
Well don’t think I’m trying not to learn,
Since this is the perfect spot to learn –
Teach me tonight.

Let’s start with the ABC of it,
Roll right down to the XYZ of it
Help me solve the mystery of it,
Teach me tonight.

Here are the full lyrics and here’s a classic Dinah Washington recording. You Tube has many more versions of the song.

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