Sunday Song Lyric:

We’re in the Scottish highlands for a wedding. (Kilt picture may follow.) We saw the Eilean Donan Castle yesterday. The castle was featured in Highlander, one of those films that has an oddly enduring popularity, but that also seems like an appropriate source for this week’s song lyric. Here’s the opening of Queen’s “Princes of the Universe” that was featured in the movie.

Here we are, born to be kings

We’re the princes of the universe

Here we belong, fighting to survive

In a world with the darkest powers

And here we are

We’re the princes of the universe

Here we belong, fighting for survival

We’ve got to be the rulers of your world

I am immortal

I have inside me blood of kings

I have no rival

No man can be my equal

Take me to the future of new earth

Here are the full lyrics, and here is a movie video of the song.

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