Worst Phishing Email I’ve Received, from “Rolland Holland”:

I actually found this one to be so bad, I was somewhat amused. From an email address in the Netherlands:


The British National Lottery, [no salutation, but in form of one; why is a notification of winning a British lottery coming from a Netherlands address?]

Wishes to Congratulate [cap?] you on your success as one of our Ten(10) Star Prize Winner [no “s”] of the Online International Awareness Promotion (IAP) [where’s the “O”?] held 14th August, 2008 in London. This makes you the proud owner of a prize of £1,856,652 Pounds [pound symbol and pounds spelled out, and incorrectly capitalized]. To begin processing of your prize. [why does the sentence stop here?]

Contact claims officer via below informations [informationS?]:

Name: Bar Janet Wasborn [“Bar?”]

Phone: +447011137932

E-mail:[email protected] [odd email address for a claims officer of the British Lottery]

Contact him [a “him” named “Janet”?] with your Serial No: S/N-472-9768-79 [why does this look suspiciously like a Social Security number?]

Also provide listed informations: [Again, “informationS”]

Names: [another extra “s”]



Marital Status:



Phone no:


Yours sincerely,

Roland Holland [They couldn’t think of a name that didn’t rhyme? Or be the same as the country they are emailing from?]

Senior Claims Officer.

Het UMC St Radboud staat geregistreerd bij de Kamer van Koophandel in het handelsregister onder nummer 41055629.
The Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre is listed in the Commercial Register of the Chamber of Commerce under file number 41055629.
[What the heck does the above have to do with the British National Lottery?]

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