Kopel on the DNC

Recent articles in the Rocky Mountain News: Al Jazeera makes a blatantly false claim against Joe Biden, and gets other facts wrong, too. Plus: Rum, Romanism, and Rebellion–the story from the 19th century shows that some things haven’t changed. (Both stories in same link).

Just posted: Democratic prayer celebration with Sister Helen Prejean and the head of the Islamic Society of North America should have spurred media queries.

Coming soon: The Obama biographies recently published in the Washington Post, Newsweek, and Time.

Personal note: I was in the convention hall for Senator Kennedy’s speech, almost certainly his last to a Democratic National Convention. Back at the 1956 Democratic Convention, Adlai Stevenson threw open the Vice-Presidential nomination, and let the delegates pick. Young Senator John F. Kennedy tried, but was defeated by Estes Kefauver. For over half a century since then, the Kennedys have been a major part of every Democratic National Convention. All three of the brothers had successes and failures, good ideas and not-so-good ones. The mass of delegates at the Denver Convention waving their white-on-blue “Kennedy” signs were remembering the many positive parts of the Kennedy record. Senator Edward Kennedy’s final speech to a Convention was dignified, gracious, beautiful, and exemplified the Kennedy family at its best.

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