“You are a Mother of Five

and were a homemaker for many years before entering politics. You say … the skills you honed doing those things were the same ones you needed when you got [into politics]. How so?”

“[A:] Absolutely, and this is what I want women to know, so they recognize the value of their own path, their unique experience. I’ve been in politics a while, … and this is a very rough-and-tumble…. I shouldn’t say ‘rough,’ let me say a very challenging arena to be in. But as challenging as it is, nothing is as challenging as raising a family — nothing. That experience forced me to be disciplined, diplomatic, focused, and successful, and I brought that discipline and focus to [my political career]. Also, having a family keeps you focused on the future, which is the biggest inspiration in politics. In order to do what it takes to succeed in politics, you have to be inspired by your constituents, the power of your ideas, and the fact that you speak on behalf of children and their future, whether you have children of your own or not. It makes all the difference in the world….”

Very interesting. (The interview quotes are from here, though I’ve seen the same in yesterday’s edition of The Wall Street Journal’s Political Diary Newsletter, which I’ve always found to be reliable in its quotations.)

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