Did Eliot Spitzer Contribute to AIG’s Demise?

The New York Sun thinks so in “Bring Back Greenberg“:

As America was racing toward the nationalization of what is left of American International Group, we couldn’t help think of Eliot Spitzer. Among all his mistakes, it’s hard to think of one more catastrophic than his decision to force Maurice “Hank” Greenberg out of the leadership of AIG. The picture since then has not been a pretty one. As Mr. Greenberg put it yesterday in a letter, “In a little over a year, I, and other shareholders, have watched the company that I helped build over 35 years into the largest and most successful insurance company in history and one of the strongest and one of the most profitable companies in the world lose over 90% of its value.”

It would have been another matter had Mr. Spitzer

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