NYU Psychology Department Research Project on Elections:

Seems interesting, so I thought I’d pass along a pointer to its questionnaire, in case some of you folks would like to participate. Here’s a brief summary of what they’re doing:

A research team from the Psychology Department at New York University, headed by Professor Yaacov Trope and supported by the National Science Foundation, is investigating the cognitive causes of voting behavior, political preferences, and candidate evaluations throughout the course of the 2008 U.S. Presidential election. This stage of the study focuses on the information people use to inform evaluations during the last few weeks before the election. They seek respondents of all political leanings from all over the country (and from the rest of the world) to complete a 15-minute questionnaire, the responses to which will be completely anonymous.

[NOTE: When the researchers first asked me to post this, they asked that I block comments, so that readers’ comments avoid influencing the responses other readers give. I unfortunately forgot to do that, so the post originally came up with comments; I’ve since deleted them, and blocked them — my apologies to the researchers, and to the users whose comments were deleted.]

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