Format for Post Titles:

Sorry to trouble you folks with yet another user interface poll, but I wanted to ask what you thought about the format for post titles. We’re experimenting with large and small caps, as you can see above [UPDATE: actually, as you could have seen above, but I’ve changed to bold now], but there are other options, as you can see in coming paragraphs.

FORMAT FOR POST TITLES: Sorry to trouble you folks with yet another user interface poll, but I wanted to ask what you thought about the format for post titles. We’re experimenting with large and small caps, as you can see above, but there are other options, as you can see in this paragraph.

Format for Post Titles: Sorry to trouble you folks with yet another user interface poll, but I wanted to ask what you thought about the format for post titles. We’re experimenting with large and small caps, as you can see above, but there are other options, as you can see in this paragraph.

Which format do you prefer for post titles?
Large and Small Caps
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