AK Supreme Court Stays Out Of “Scandal”:

Several Alaska state representatives wen to the Alaska Supreme Court seeking to shut down the state legislature’s investigation of the so-called Palin “troopergate” scandal. This means the legislature’s investigative report will be released tomorrow. The Anchorage Daily News reports:

The state Supreme Court rejected an appeal by Texas-based Liberty Legal Institute and Anchorage attorney Kevin Clarkson, who filed the lawsuit on behalf of the Alaska Republican state legislators opposed to their colleagues’ investigation.

The state legislators whose names appeared on the appeal attempting to stop the investigation are Wes Keller, Mike Kelly, Fred Dyson, Tom Wagoner, Carl Gatto and Bob Lynn.

Their lawyers argued that allowing the investigation to proceed would threaten the right under the Alaska Constitution to a “fair and just” investigation by the Legislature. They allege bias among the legislators who are leading the investigation, and that the Legislative Council lacks the authority to order the probe.

The court issued a short order, and an opinion is forthcoming

While I never thought the “troopergate” story made for much of a scandal, the aggressiveness with which some are trying to shut down an investigation would suggest otherwise. I suppose we’ll see soon enough.

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