Sunday Song Lyric:

Guns N’ Roses’ Appetite for Destruction is easily one of the best hard rock albums ever. It was raw an exciting, at times nearly over-powering, and occasionally outright offensive. It is a classic.

The band — or, at least a band featuring Axl Rose and using the GNR name — has been due to release a new album, Chinese Democracy, for years. Skepticism that the album would ever arrive prompted Dr. Pepper to promise a free soda for every American if it were actually released in 2008. Well, it looks like the album will actually drop next month (and Dr. Pepper will keep its pledge).

Will the new album be any good? I’m skeptical — Axl seems pretty washed up at this point — but stranger things have happened. The title track to Chinese Democracy can be heard here or here, and the lyrics can be found on this site. A taste:

You think you’ve got it all locked up inside
And if you beat ’em enough they’ll die
It’s like a walk in a park from a cell
And now you’re keeping you’re own kind in hell
And if you’re Great Wall rocks blame your self
While they all reach out for you hand/help?
And we’re out of time . . .

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