The Lawn-Sign Stealing Professor:

This was Phil Busse, a visiting professor at St. Olaf’s College in Minnesota; he publicly discussed his actions on the Huffington Post, calling them “one of the single-most exhilarating and empowering political acts that I have ever done.”

The Northfield News reports,

St. Olaf spokesman David Gonnerman issued the following statement Monday afternoon:

“The St. Olaf College administration first learned of Phil Busse’s self-admitted theft and destruction of campaign signs on the morning of Oct. 31 as a result of his posting on the Internet.

“The St. Olaf administration immediately referred the matter to local law enforcement authorities and commenced an investigation of its own.

“Mr. Busse has tendered his resignation and is no longer affiliated with St. Olaf College.

“In a statement issued on Friday, the administration made clear that Mr. Busse’s actions were in direct conflict with the college’s values and mission and that the college did not in any way condone them.

“The statement also declared that St. Olaf College deplores unlawful interference with political campaigns and expression of speech.

“Mr. Busse had a one-semester temporary visiting appointment to teach one course in introductory media studies for the college during the fall term.”

Busse was also charged with misdemeanor theft after confessing to the Rice County Sheriff

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