1938 Gallup Polls on Jews.

Glenn notes that today is the 70th Anniversary of Kristallnacht.

To remind you of US sentiment at the time, consider these Gallup Poll results from Nov. 22, 1938, nearly two weeks after that night.

Do you approve or disapprove of the Nazi’s treatment … Of Jews in Germany?

5.6% Approve

88.2% Disapprove

6.2% No Opinion

Should we allow a larger number of Jewish exiles from Germany to come to the United States to live?

21.2 Yes

71.8% No

7.0% No Opinion

Though only 6% of the American public approve of German actions, only 21% favor taking in more Jewish exiles.

That may be because of the attitudes toward Jews revealed in this poll from earlier in 1938 (April 27):

Do you think the persecution of the Jews in Europe has been their own fault?

10.9% Entirely

54.0% Partly

35.1% Not at all

(After being asked:

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