SUNY-Binghamton “Abandons Attempt to Suspend or Expel” Student Critic:

The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) reports:

Binghamton University (formerly SUNY–Binghamton) has abandoned its attempt to suspend or expel a student who put up posters challenging the Department of Social Work. The department had ordered that social work master’s student Andre Massena leave the program for one year with no guarantee of return, required him to apologize, and demanded that he publicly disavow his own views after his pseudonymous posters challenged the department for having hired the executive director of the Binghamton Housing Authority (BHA) — an agency Massena thought was responsible for social injustice. When Massena appealed, the department’s chair added entirely new allegations and recommended his expulsion. The department dropped the charges late Friday, one day after the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) took the case public.

For more on this case, see the FIRE press release and its links, or the post linked to below under Related Posts.

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