SSM bill dead in NY for 2009:

The warring factions of New York Democrats have finally struck a deal to allow them to gain control of the state senate. According to the Daily News, one casualty of the deal is same-sex marriage, which has already passed the state assembly, but which will not get a senate floor vote next year after all:

A bill to legalize same-sex marriage will not be brought to the floor of the Senate for a vote this year. [Senate Minority Leader Malcolm] Smith will announce that he does not believe the measure has sufficient votes to pass – a statement that is at this point undoubtedly true, although it’s unclear how long that will last if, as Democrats are hoping, the prospect of being in the minority leads to mass GOP retirements.

This means that, at least for another year, and possibly for the entire session or even until such time as more Republicans are defeated in the state senate, New York will continue to permit its same-sex couples to cross the border into Massachusetts, Connecticut, or Canada to get full official marital recognition at home — but will not allow them to get married in their own state.

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