Inspirational Clips from the Moving Picture Institute

The Moving Picture Institute “identifies and nurtures promising filmmakers who are committed to protecting and sustaining a free society, and supports their work through grants, travel scholarships, awards, internships, training workshops, and networking opportunities.” As part of it’s mission, it has initiated “Moving Minutes,” a series of clips about liberty from popular films. After you sign up, a bimonthly e-mail containing links to videos of inspirational moments in film will be sent to you bimonthly. Sign up information is here. They have graciously shared with me the YouTube links to their first four clips. After viewing them, I am now looking forward to receiving my bimonthly inspirational lift. So can you.

“Liberty Will Reign” from the HBO miniseries John Adams:

“Age of Freedom” from the 300:

“The Pursuit of Happiness” from Rocky Balboa:

And “The Weathermen” from Indoctrinate U:

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