Twelve Days of Christmas: Still time to buy “The Founders’ Second Amendment”:

Despite erroneous media reports that Christmas 2008 is “over”, Christmas is a 12-day festival that began on December 25, and continues until the “twelfth night” of January 5-6. Accordingly, it is not too late to send or receive Christmas cards, or to give or receive Christmas presents. Fortunately for gift-givers, Stephen Halbrook’s excellent book “The Founders’ Second Amendment” is now back in stock at Amazon. The first round of the “Second Amendment book bomb” had exhausted all of Amazon’s inventory, and it took several days for Amazon’s system to process the replenishment of supplies. Now, the book is available for immediate shipment. It is an indispensible book for anyone who is interested in Second Amendment issues. More broadly, now that originalism is becoming the leading method of constitutional interpretation, the book provides an outstanding template for examination of the range of sources which indicate the original public meaning of a constitutional provision. The book would be an excellent charitable gift for almost every library, including school libraries.

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