Event Thursday on the Israel-Hamas Conflict Thursday at George Mason Law:

I thought the following announcement would be of interest to some of our D.C.-area readers. GMUSL is a five-minute walk from the Clarendon metro.

The George Mason Jewish Law Student Association and the Mason Law Republicans invite you to attend a panel discussion on the current conflict in Israel.

We invite you to attend, learn, and ask questions about the situation in Israel from our distinguished panel, consisting of:

Professor Jeremy Rabkin, George Mason Law School

Ariel Cohen, Heritage Foundation

Michael Ledeen, Foundation to Defend Democracy

Where: Rear Atrium, George Mason Law School (Directions available at http://www.law.gmu.edu/about/directions)
When: Thursday, January 15 from 5:00-7:00 PM

Food and drinks will be served!

We will also be raising funds for Magen David Adom, which provides medical care to victims of terrorism in Israel.

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