That Paper Criticizing Sunstein:

Via Prawfsblawgs, I discover that the paper authored by several “progressive” law professors criticizing Cass Sunstein contains the following extraordinary statement, defending the precautionary principle: “It is difficult to think of a single public health or environmental threat that with the benefit of additional research has not proven even more dangerous over time.”

Now that’s a fun game! Let’s see, off the top of my head, here are some things that turned out to be a lot less threatening than many, including at least some “experts,” thought:

Mercury in vaccines;
Silicone breast implants (and medical grade silicone in general);
Asbestos in buildings;
Flouride in water;
Birth control pills;
Occasional marijuana use;
High fat diets;
Exposure to low level nuclear radiation;
New carpet fumes;
“Toxic waste dumps”/Superfund sites;
Moderate overweightedness;
Moderate alcohol consumption;
Metal fillings (for teeth);
Cancer from physical trauma;
Predictions in the 1970s of worldwide food shortages;
Global Warming (the predictions of the level of man-made warming have decreased dramatically, even among strong advocates of the theory);
Miscarriage from video display monitors;
Cancer from electromagnetic field radiation;
Pesticides commonly used on fruits and vegetables causing cancer to “eaters”;

Feel free to add more, below.

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