Big Hollywood Live Blogs the Oscars:

For those who still watch the Academy Awards ceremony, as I do, but who would find it a little easier to take with a running commentary, Big Hollywood–the new libertarian and conservative show-biz blog–will be live-blogging the Oscars tomorrow night. To date, I am finding Big Hollywood to be a mixed bag as a blog. Although some posts are great, others are a bit too long for blog posts and read a more like magazine articles or op-eds. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but blogging as a publication form has evolved into a combination of pithiness and reaction to events. Blog posts are not the best vehicles for stand alone essays (though I have certainly attempted them at times). And I find some of the posts there to be a little preachy. My suggestion would be to make the blog a bit punchier and reactive to news stories–entertainment and otherwise–but to each his own. It takes a while for a successful blog site–especially a group blog–to find its voice. At any rate, I suspect that a live blog of an ongoing event like the Oscars might be just the right format for the group at Big Hollywood. I will sample it tomorrow night and see.

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