Good To Hear:

From MEMRI, which is certainly not soft on Islamic extremism:

Scandinavian Islamic Groups Distance Themselves from Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradhawi, Following MEMRI Translation of His Statements on Al-Jazeera TV Calling Holocaust “Divine Punishment” For Jews,” Warning “Allah Willing, The Next Time Will Be At The Hand of the Believers”

In response to MEMRI TV’s February 1, 2009 release of a translated and subtitled clip capturing prominent Sunni sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradhawi on Al-Jazeera TV in January 2009 calling the Holocaust “divine punishment” for the Jews and warning that “Allah willing, the next time will be at the hand of the believers [i.e. Muslims],” [1] and also saying that he would “shoot Allah’s enemies, the Jews,” [2] it was reported that Muslim Imams and Islamic groups in Scandinavia have distanced themselves from the remarks and are questioning association with Al-Qaradhawi…

On February 16, the Norwegian newspapers Dagbladet and Aftenpost reported that the Islamic Council of Norway had, on that same date, denounced Sheikh Al-Qaradhawi’s statements on Al-Jazeera TV as “unacceptable.” …

Dagbladet quoted Kobilica as saying, “If it’s [like this] that Yusuf Al-Qaradhawi honors the Holocaust, I think it’s unacceptable from somebody who is an important religious reference for many Muslims. The Islamic Council of Norway will take up this issue with other scholars who sit in the European Council for Fatwa and Research.” …

DPE reported, also on February 16, that other Islamic leaders in Scandinavia had also distanced themselves from Al-Qaradhawi’s comments, including Danish Imam Abdul Wahid Pedersen. It said that Pederson had told the Danish news agency Ritzau that he did not support Al-Qaradhawi’s view and that this view could not be justified by the debate on the recent Israel-Hamas war in Gaza….

On February 16, 2009, the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter reported that Swedish and Norwegian Muslims were distancing themselves from Sheikh Al-Qaradhawi. The paper said that Swedish Muslim Council chairman Mahmoud Aldebe said that it was a sensitive question when many European Muslims look up to Al-Qaradhawi as a person but want nothing to do with these statements, and that Muslims can see the difference between Jews as a people and Israel as a state.

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