Religious Denominations That Forbid (or Frown on) Deadly Self-Defense, But Allow Non-Deadly Self-Defense:

I’m looking for good sources that discuss whether there are religious groups that

  1. take the view that deadly force is always bad, even in self-defense or defense of others, but nondeadly force (including pepper spray, stun guns, and other devices that are extremely unlikely to kill) is permissible, or

  2. take the view that given the choice between nondeadly force and deadly force, one should always use nondeadly force, unless the nondeadly force is very likely to fail (e.g., all one has for nondeadly force is fists vs. an attacker’s knife).

I would think that many denominations do take one or the other view, for instance because they take “thou shalt not kill” (as opposed to “thou shalt not murder”) quite seriously, but don’t go for a thoroughgoing “turn the other cheek” renunciation of all violence. But I’d like to see more concrete statements, if possible, from groups that indeed take such a view.

I realize that stun guns and pepper spray may not have gotten a great deal of specific attention from theologians, but I would think that there would have been something written on this broad subject of just what kinds of violence are appropriate even to those who frown on deadly self-defense. If any of you have some pointers, I’d love to see them. Thanks!

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