Althouse v. Frank:

Blogress diva Ann Althouse defends Justice Scalia from Rep. Barney Frank. Her essay begins:

Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) says that U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is a “homophobe” who “makes it very clear that he’s angry, frankly, about the existence of gay people.” Frank points to Scalia’s dissenting opinion in Lawrence vs. Texas—a case that struck down a statute criminalizing homosexual sodomy—and accuses the justice of thinking that “it’s a good idea for two consenting adults who happen to be gay to be locked up because he is so disapproving of gay people.”

But Scalia has written no such thing. Either Frank is an incompetent reader or he is deliberately trying to mislead people into believing that justices vote for results in cases the way legislators vote a bill up or down.

[And some think Scalia has a sharp pen . . . ]

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