Twelfth Night Mock Trial:

Tony Mauro has a very entertaining write-up of a “mock trial” at the Shakespeare Theatre featuring three Supreme Court justices (Ginsburg, Breyer, and Alito) and five other federal judges, sitting as the “Supreme Court of Illyria,” hearing argument in the hypothetical case of “Malvolio’s Revenge” from Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. There’s lots of good stuff in Mauro’s write-up. Perhaps the best line was Alito’s, from the Justices’ explanations of their votes after the argument ended:

When it was Breyer’s turn to explain his vote for Olivia, he said flatly that he had voted that way because “I don’t like Malvolio.” Which gave Alito an opening for the last laugh. “I always wondered what ‘Active Liberty’ meant,” Alito said wryly, a mild jab at Breyer’s 2005 book by that name.

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