Torture Memos Could Spur More Revelations:

The NYT reports:

the new revelations are fueling calls by lawmakers for an extensive inquiry into controversial Bush administration programs, and Mr. Obama now faces a challenge making good on his promise to protect from legal jeopardy those intelligence operatives who acted within Justice Department interrogation guidelines.

Some members of Congress and human rights lawyers are likely to press for new disclosures about the period of several months in 2002 when C.I.A. interrogators began interrogating Abu Zubaydah, a Qaeda operative captured in March of that year, before the Justice Department had officially endorsed the interrogation program. . . .

he American Civil Liberties Union, whose lawsuit forced the release of the Justice Department memos on Thursday, plans to press the Justice Department to release other classified documents from the Bush era, including a 2004 C.I.A. inspector general

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