Green Jobs: Creating a New Bubble?

No one can question President Obama’s commitment to green jobs. He is proposing to create 5 million green jobs (about 3% of the US employed workforce) through new programs such as the Green Job Corps, the Clean Energy Corps, and the Global Energy Corps.

It is a matter of faith, not evidence, that the government is so wise that it can anticipate what green jobs will be needed in several years and train people to do them. Unless energy at least triples in price (which is entirely possible), there are likely to be few jobs for the new green-collar workforce that are mandated, not by the needs of the market, but instead by government.

Nonetheless, the leading advocate of a green economy, Vann Jones, is in the White House pressing his vision on the American economy.

In the London Times, Dominic Lawson opines:

The key to a successful, wealth-generating economy is productivity. Saving energy is what businesses have done already, because it lowers their production costs. The problem with any form of subsidy is that it makes the consumer (through hidden taxes) pay to keep inherently uneconomic businesses

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