
Talk at NYU Law Tomorrow:

Here’s the announcement, from the NYU Federalist Society.

TOMORROW (Wednesday) @ 4:30 in Vanderbilt 204

David Bernstein
Law Professor at GMU and Blogger at the Volokh Conspiracy

Speaking about his forthcoming book Rehabilitating Lochner —
Lochner v. New York is a famous Supreme Court case from 1905 that invalidated a maximum hours law under an implicit Constitutional principle of liberty of contract. Lochner since has become one of the most reviled and infamous cases in history, symbolizing judicial overreaching and activism in the name of ideology. Professor Bernstein’s forthcoming book, Rehabilitating Lochner, proposes to do exactly what the title attests.

There will be cupcakes!

The book will also be the subject of NYU’s legal history colloquium earlier in the afternoon, so it’s going to be day full of Lochner for me.

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