
The Right to Keep and Bear Arms

has, it turns out, been celebrated by Wisconsin’s Citizen Soldier Highway (“in recognition of the right of the citizens of this state to keep and bear arms and as a tribute to all Wisconsin veterans, members of the national guard and any other reserve component of the U.S. armed forces, law enforcement officers, and fire fighters, and to the first citizen soldiers of this state, American Indians”), Georgia’s specialty “The Right to Keep and Bear Arms” / “Shall Not Be Infringed” / NRA insignia license plates, and Montana’s right to bear arms week:

The week beginning the first Monday in March is an official week of observance to commemorate Montana’s valued heritage of the right of each person to keep and bear arms in the defense of the person’s home, person, or property or in aid of civil power. During this week, all Montanans are urged to reflect on their right to keep and bear arms and to celebrate this right in lawful ways.

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