
Federalist Society Supreme Court Term Preview Video

The Federalist Society hosted a Supreme Court preview panel last week: You can watch the video here. The panelists were Walter Dellinger, Nick Rosenkranz, Gene Schaerr, Cleta Mitchell, and myself. Bob Barnes of the Washingoton Post was the very able moderator.

Here’s a quick rundown of the order and the topics. Cleta Mitchell starts at the 4:30 mark, and she covers campaign finance and the Conrad Black case. I begin at the 21 minute mark and run through a few of the big criminal cases. Nick Rosenkranz begins at about 32:30, and he addresses some of the major constitutional law cases. Gene Schaerr starts at the 50 minute mark, and he discusses the business law cases. Walter Dellinger starts at 67 minutes in and focuses on the new Second Amendment case. There’s also some interesting Q&A starting at the 82-minute mark before it ends after about 100 minutes.

I thought it was an unusually good panel — helped, no doubt, by an unusually interesting Term.

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