Archive | March, 2010
Age Discrmination Against Child Prodigy?
Federalism Restoration Amendment: Take 2
“Freedom Vigil” Permit Issued
D.C. Circuit Strikes Down Caps on Contributions to Independent Expenditure Committees
Help Draft the Federalism Restoration Amendment
On Goldstein On Liu
Harold Koh Statements on Drone Warfare at ASIL Tonight
By Kenneth Anderson on March 25, 2010 11:43 pm in International Human Rights Law, Robotics, Targeted Killing, Terrorism, War and Armed Conflict, War on Terror
“Federalist Society Types” Were Committed to Judicial Enforcement of Federalism Long Before Obamacare
By Ilya Somin on March 25, 2010 10:46 pm in Commerce Clause, Federalism, Federalist Society, Health Care, Taxing and Spending Clause