I like this. HT Instapundit – I hadn’t heard of Lauren Leto and her blog before, but I found this enjoyable:
Stereotyping People by Their Favorite Author
(by the way – I respect every author on here, kind of)
J.D. Salinger
Kids who don’t fit in (duh).
Stephenie Meyer
People who type like this: OMG. Mah fAvvv <3 <3.
J.K. Rowling
Smart geeks.
Ms. Leto provides many, many examples more. I’m mildly distressed at how many of the contemporary authors I had not heard of before, but then I don’t read much current fiction.
But there Is A Problem With This List, and the fact that I note it will not surprise regular readers of this blog. It is missing a certain author, one of Great(est) Importance. So, dear VC readers, in the spirit of the above – consult the blog for all the rest of the sampled authors, and then tell me how you fill in the Missing Author … drumroll, Stendhal.