I’ll Be at Pomona College on Tuesday, October 12 …

… not on my account, but doing the Take the Beloved Daughter Around to Colleges gig.  This is embarrassing – in effect proposing oneself – but I will be around Pomona College, and the Claremont Colleges, on Tuesday, October 12, mid-dayish.  If anyone there would like me to give a talk on campus then, for students or faculty, or what have you, I’d be happy to do it.

I’m also perfectly happy strolling over to downtown Claremont and drinking coffee and communing in solitary silence with my roots (I spent my cavity-prone years in Claremont, as a kid, not a college student; the nooks and crannies of the Claremont Colleges were places to go kissing with my high school girlfriend; higher education, sorta).  So I’m good with walking around my past, admiring what a lovely town Claremont is, while my kid is checking out the school and trying to convince them that, despite being an Atlantic child, she would much like to come west for school; all her top choices are there, despite knowing that in this horribly tough year for college applicants, it’s all a long shot.

(Daddy put on his best Heinlein, Have Spacesuit Will Travel, game face and told her that if she was serious about getting into the school of her dreams in this very tough year, she should join the Army for two years and send in her application from some Army base; how many Sidwell Friends School via US army enlisted do the top schools get?  Daughter, who has read Have Spacesuit Will Travel many times and can spot those Kip’s Dad speeches a mile away, growled and said something rude and un-Kiplike, more like PeeWee-like, and my Beloved Wife told me that this was Not An Acceptable Plan.  )

(Yeah, I realize this is not exactly proper academic etiquette for these things but, well, the price is right.  Also, I’m not sure Our Grand Conspiracy has many academic readers outside of law, so not sure if this would reach the proper folks at an undergraduate institution; still …)

If interested, drop me an email at my law school address, kanders at wcl dot american dot edu.  Things I could talk about that might be interesting at a college rather than a law school (these are talks I am already giving this busy fall, so the prep is already done:)

  • targeted killing and drone warfare in law and strategy;
  • global governance and international organizations and UN-US relations;
  • financial regulation and the debate over rules versus standards versus discretion in the hands of regulators as a legitimacy issue;
  • the role of “global civil society” in global governance, if any.
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