
Get-Together for VC Readers at the AALS “Meat Market” in DC, Thursday at 9pm

This Thursday is the first day of the AALS “Meat Market”, the setting of first-round interviews for law professor jobs formally known as the Faculty Recuitment Conference, at the Marriott Wardman Park in Washington, DC.

The AALS draws a lot of VC readers, so Jonathan Adler and I have decided to make a party of it: Specifically, VC readers are invited to join us for drinks on Thursday (10/28) at Murphy’s of DC, the Irish pub a block from the Wardman Park hotel, starting at 9pm. Jonathan and I will be there, and perhaps some other Conspirators, and we welcome all to join us. Murphy’s is a few feet from the Wardman, so it shouldn’t be hard to find, but directions are here.

Feel free to drop in and buy me a beer say hello whether you’re on the market, you’re a faculty member on an appointments committee, or you’re a VC reader in town.

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